Porcelain Veneers
Tooth veneers, thin porcelain layers placed on the front of your teeth, can be placed on one
or more teeth. Most patients choose to have tooth veneers on their front teeth, the teeth that
others notice the most when you smile.
What are veneers?
• veneers are thin sheets of ceramic, composite or other materials that bond directly to the front and
top surfaces of the teeth. They are an ideal choice for improving your smile. With Veneers as an
alternative, there is no reason to put up with gaps between your teeth, teeth that are deeply stained,
badly shaped teeth or teeth with old bonding already on them. A veneer placed on top of your
teeth can correct these maladies, usually within three appointments.
Will they look like normal teeth?
• When bonded to the teeth, the ultra-thin
veneers are virtually undetectable and highly
resistant to coffee, tea, or soda stains. For
strength and appearance, their resemblance
to healthy white tooth enamel is unsurpassed
by other bonding options. Because they are
thin, light can shine through them and they
can take on the more natural color of the
underlying tooth.
With proper care, veneers will brighten your smile for well over a decade. All of our veneers are crafted
from the highest quality materials by some of the most talented technicians in the country. We also use the
most advanced and proven bonding materials available to dentistry to adhere your veneers to the teeth.
The procedure:
• Diagnosis and treatment planning (1-2 appointments): This is really the most important part
of the procedure. In most cases we will take impressions and have the lab fabricate a three
dimensional wax up so that you can see your custom end result before we begin preparing the
teeth. Doctor will spend time with you choosing color, characterization, shape and the design
needs for your smile. Digital photos are also taken before treatment to use for communication with
lab technicians.
• Preparation (1 appointment): This appointment will be 1 to 2 hours long. Although a veneer
is very thin, your teeth are slightly reshaped and buffed to allow for the added thickness. This
usually requires very little local anesthesia. An impression is then taken and sent to the lab for
fabrication and temporary plastic veeneers are placed until your next visit.
• Bonding (1 appointment): At the time of your third appointment, your doctor will remove your
temporary and place the new veneer on your teeth with water to check the fit and color. If you
and your doctor are satisfied with the esthetics and fit, the veneers are cleaned and a special
cement and a visible blue light beam is used to harden the cement.
Care and Maintenance:
• Brush and floss as you normally would. Don't be afraid that you will damage your veneers by
brushing and flossing. Non-abrasive toothpaste is recommended. A good home care regimen
and regular check-ups with our office will insure the best esthetic success of your veneer. You
may experience some sensitivity to hot and cold after the placement of your veneer. This is very
normal and should dissipate after one to two weeks. If sensitivity persists, please call us.
• If you are a known clencher/bruxer, doctor will recommend a night guard for you to wear to
minimize the stress placed on your teeth while you sleep.